Are College Essays Important? Are College Essays Important? Praise the amusing antiheroes of academia, for it’s that nerve-wracking time of the year when fledging saplings start to wither under their gaze and moppets develop heart-palpitations. It’s college admission time and squirts all around the nation are stockpiling Pepto; taking anxiety medicine and going through their own version of a panic-induced midlife crisis. Students going online and riffling through the net for hacks and tips on how to turn their essays into battering rams; Vikings storming the gates of their pie-in-the-sky university. “Dear God, what have I done in with my time on this earth!” And, yes, now these knaves and scoundrels holding court over your educational future are demanding that […]
How to write the perfect college essay
Your College Essay needs to shine and quite possibly make philosophers ponder their well-researched tenets. I’m here to give you the dope on that anvil that’s hanging over your head and a few hacks on how to, at the very least, make a go at them. Great tips and tricks to write a killer college essay. Here’s how to write the perfect college essay… a killer one. The golden rule is: Make your essay interesting and don’t force the issue. Keep them interested so we actually read on and know what’s the skinny on that faux magical ticket called the College Essay; it’s essential to level headed on the hard-boiled reality of the essay. They are not anticipating the next Scorsese, but […]